testing Branch vs decision coverage question

To calculate Branch Coverage, one has to find out the minimum number of paths which will ensure that all the edges are covered. In this case there is no single path which will ensure coverage of all the edges at once. Generally, a decision point has two decision values one is true, and another is false that’s why most of the times the total number of outcomes is two. The percent of decision coverage can be found by dividing the number of exercised outcome with the total number of outcomes and multiplied by 100.

Each condition in a decision is shown to independently affect the outcome of the decision. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. And the statement no. 3, 5 and 7 will be considered under Decision coverage. The higher the probability that defects will cause costly production failures, the more severe the level of coverage you need to choose.

Examples to Implement of Decision Coverage

I.e. in testing I could execute the paths such that I visited statement1 and statement2 without ever executing function1() – which is bad as function1 may be faulty and we don’t want to find that out in production. To calculate branch/decision coverage, you need to determine the total number of branches in the code and the number of branches that have been executed during the testing. Branch decision coverage is then calculated by dividing the number of executed branches by the total number of branches and multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

decision coverage testing example

For the above graph, to cover all the edges, we will need at least two test cases. Jonathan Bowen and his co-author analyzed several variants of MC/DC and RC/DC and concluded that at least some MC/DC variants have superior coverage over RC/DC. Independence of decision coverage a condition is shown by proving that only one condition changes at a time. Alternatively you can say that control statement IF has been evaluated both to TRUE and FALSE. For example, if the outcomes are binary, you need to test both True and False outcomes.

How should a Good Test Coverage Technique be Implemented?

Let us consider the same example we discussed for Statement Coverage. To evaluate the Decision coverage of a function that determines the greater of two numbers, two test cases are executed. For an IF statement, two test cases are required, one for the true outcome and another for the false outcome. In order to select a coverage method, the tester needs to check the cost of the potential penalty, lost reputation, lost sale, etc. Statement coverage is used to derive scenario based upon the structure of the code under test.

  • The goal of decision coverage testing is to cover and validate all the accessible source code by checking and ensuring that each branch of every possible decision point is executed at least once.
  • In this coverage, expressions with logical operands are only considered.
  • The proceeding steps involve the process of assembling a logical decision making flowchart and to list the results or outcomes of the various decisions instilled in the application’s code.
  • This process requires running all of the source code statements at least once.
  • This helps to ensure that all bugs and potential problems are found and fixed before the program is released.

Decision Coverage is a white box testing technique which reports the true or false outcomes of each boolean expression of the source code. The goal of decision coverage testing is to cover and validate all the accessible source code by checking and ensuring that each branch of every possible decision point is executed at least once. To widen the perspective of business testers, let us have a look at condition coverage as one of the so-called white box techniques. This technique focuses on having a more in-depth test of complex conditions that represent the underlying rules for a decision in a control flow graph.

Statement Coverage Testing in White Box Testing:

The last and final step in the Decision Coverage testing process is to evaluate logical decision indications gathered and designed in the previous steps of this testing process. The end points in the various logics are subjected to the necessary validation and verification methods. The proceeding steps involve the process of assembling a logical decision making flowchart and to list the results or outcomes of the various decisions instilled in the application’s code. It can most likely have more than one conclusion, as one consistent code execution flow doesn’t need to involve any logical decision to be made. Similarly, for a loop statement, two control flows must be tested, one for the true outcome of the loop condition and another for the false outcome.

Importantly, achieving 100% decision coverage ensures 100% statement coverage, though the reverse is not always true. Branch Coverage is a white box testing method in which every outcome from a code module is tested. The purpose of branch coverage is to ensure that each decision condition from every branch is executed at least once. It helps to measure fractions of independent code segments and to find out sections having no branches. Decision coverage technique is one of the white box testing technique which gives the decision coverage to Boolean values.

Widen the perspective: White Box’s “condition coverage” for everyone

To implement a good test coverage technique, it is important to select the right coverage metric for the project at hand. The coverage metric should be able to identify areas of the code that are not being adequately tested so that these areas can be given more attention. Furthermore, the coverage metric should be easy to understand and use so that it can be effectively used by all members of the team. If there are 100 tests and 1000 lines of code, then the test coverage will be 10%. There are a few things to keep in mind when using this formula.

decision coverage testing example

To cover all the statements in the program, we have to execute minimum the following flows . To calculate Statement Coverage, find out the shortest number of paths following which all the nodes will be covered. Here by traversing through path 1A-2C-3D-E-4G-5H all the nodes are covered.

How to use decision table for test designing?

If the match is faultless, then the message ‘ is the correct answer’ will be displayed. If the results are unmatched, then the message ‘Your answer is wrong’ will be displayed. Hence this code consists of two possible logical decisions, and testing https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ the scope of this code can be called as the Decision Coverage Testing. The Decision Coverage Testing is expected to be implemented on every single one line of the program, and identify the possible decision making stream in the codes.

decision coverage testing example

That’s why there are many different methods of reporting this metric. All these methods focus on covering the most important combinations. It is very much similar to decision coverage, but it offers better sensitivity to control flow. Decision coverage covers all possible outcomes of each and every Boolean condition of the code by using control flow graph or chart.

Software Development Life Cycle

It is used to determine the total number of executed statements in the source code based on the total number of statements in the source code. Decision coverage is a frequently used code testing method which is used to validate the exposure of the limitations of various decision trees in the program. The decision trees are typically derived from the conditional statements, the looping statements and the Boolean expressions or values in the program.

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